Blue Green Futuristic Studio Logo (1)
Institut Francais, AgadiR, Morocco

Laps de Temps - Stranger Souma invites Samir Aouad

LAPS DE TEMPS is a collaborative project initiated in 2023 by sound artist Stranger Souma and oud virtuoso Samir Aouad, supported by L'Instritut Français Maroc. This project embarks on a journey into the heart of Moroccan sound, exploring the intersection of contemporary sound production, electroacoustic music, and the rich tapestry of Moroccan temporal musical heritage.

By blending traditional instruments with cutting-edge electronic techniques, the project aims to forge new sonic landscapes that resonate with both contemporary and historical influences. Furthermore, LAPS DE TEMPS seeks to explore the profound connection between time, memory, and cultural identity, translating the ephemeral nature of time into a unique and evocative sonic experience.

LAPS DE TEMPS delves deep into the essence of time in Moroccan music, investigating its inherent rhythms, textures, and the unique temporal sensibilities embedded within traditional forms. Through meticulous research, experimentation, and creative dialogue, Souma and Aouad aim to uncover and reinterpret the intricate temporal structures of Moroccan music, drawing inspiration from classical forms, folk traditions, and the improvisational nuances of the oud.